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Texas A&M University-San Antonio


Texas A&M University-San Antonio is a four-year public university in the Texas A&M University System. As a proud Hispanic-serving and military-embracing institution with a predominantly first-generation student population, Texas A&M University-San Antonio transforms lives and the community by delivering a quality higher education experience that is accessible and inclusive, and by empowering students for academic success, rewarding careers and engaged global citizenship. Currently, over 8,000 students are enrolled in undergraduate and graduate programs. 

  • College or University
  • San Antonio, TX

Institution Links

  • Admissions
  • Financial Aid Office
  • Online Application
Texas A&M-San Antonio Logo

Bachelor’s & certification

Undergraduate Teacher Certification

  • From 48 to 72 months

    Program Duration

  • In-person

    Program Format

  • Pre-Test Required


Relevant Links


Program Info

Texas A&M University-San Antonio has 12 pathways to teacher certification covering elementary school, middle school, high school and all-level certifications. These include the following degree plans with listed certification areas:



Certification Area

BS in BiologyLife science grades 7-12
BS in ChemistryChemistry grades 7-12
BS in Education Core subjects Early Childhood-grade 6
BS in Education Special education Early Childhood-grade 12
BS in Interdisciplinary StudiesBilingual and core subjects Early Childhood-grade 6 or grades 4-8
BS in KinesiologyPhysical education Early Childhood-grade 12
BS in MathematicsMathematics grades 7-12
BA in EnglishEnglish Language Arts & Reading grades 7-12
BA in HistoryHistory or social studies composite grades 7-12
BA in SpanishLanguages Other Than English Early Childhood-grade 12

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Application Fee & Annual Tuition

  • $9,300

    In State Tuition

  • $23,124

    Out of State Tuition

  • $30

    Application Fee

Ways to Lower Your Costs

Students at Texas A&M University-San Antonio have reduced the cost of their program using these methods. Check with Texas A&M University-San Antonio to see if you can, too!




Ready to Work San Antonio is a unique training, education and employment program that provides tuition assistance and wrap-around services for qualified individuals. Funds are available if you meet certain eligibility criteria. Learn more.

Up to $7,000


The ASAP2TEACH grant provides tuition and exam fee support for students seeking bilingual teacher certification. Learn more.


Work Study, Working While Still Enrolled

Work-study opportunities are available, or you can find other employment while enrolled.

If you're already employed at a school and work with students within your declared certification area, you may complete your field residency observation hours as part of your existing job.

For more information visit:Financial Aid Office


Bilingual Education / Core Subjects (4-8)
Bilingual Education / Core Subjects (Pre-K-6)
Chemistry (7-12)
Core Subjects (Pre-K-6)
English Language Arts and Reading (7-12)
History (7-12)
Life Science (7-12)
Mathematics (7-12)
Physical Education (Pre-K-12)
Social Studies (7-12)
Spanish (Pre-K-12)
Special Education (Pre-K-12)

Get Started

Own the application process. Start a checklist to put yourself on track to becoming the best teacher you can be.