Emporia State University
Emporia State University is a regional public institution in Kansas with an emphasis on teaching. ESU students take advantage of low student debt, flat-rate tuition, leadership opportunities, high impact learning experiences and a global perspective. The Teachers College at ESU continues the legacy of excellence as a national leader in teacher preparation. Emporia State graduates are highly sought after by school districts, both regionally and nationally. In 2017 and 2018, both the Kansas Teacher of the Year and the Kansas Superintendent of the Year were ESU alums. Over 40 Emporia State graduates have received the Kansas Horizon Award for excellence in the first year of teaching. The Emporia State campus is home to the National Teachers Hall of Fame and the National Memorial to Fallen Educators. Emporia State University has come together with Johnson County Community College and Kansas City Kansas Community College to bring a nationally-recognized elementary education program to you, allowing you to complete the elementary education program without relocating. Our award-winning Professional Development School program provides you with an outstanding internship experience supervised by a highly qualified, veteran teacher. Our Secondary Teacher Expanded Practice (STEP) program is one of the few initiatives in the nation to provide a nine-month Professional Development School experience for preservice middle and secondary teachers.
Early career teachers prepared at Emporia State University are effective educators from their first day in the classroom. We have a 100 percent placement rate for our education graduates, and ESU’s quality assurance program guarantees that hiring districts will be satisfied with our first-year teachers.