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College of Charleston


Tradition and transformation—that is the College of Charleston. A public, liberal arts college located in beautiful downtown Charleston, it's the ideal place to spend your college years or graduate school. The college has been educating scholars for more than 250 years and preparing excellent teachers for nearly 100 years.

  • College or University
  • Charleston, SC

Institution Links

  • Admissions
  • Financial Aid Office
  • Online Application
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Unmatched experiences! From participating in the Beyond Minimally Adequate Forum to being connected to a summer residency in my first year of teaching. I have continued connections with the College, serving as a mentor to the Call Me MiSTERs and Teaching Fellows, and I return to speak to aspiring teachers in classes!

Rodrick Bellamy

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Bachelor’s & certification

Initial Teacher Certification Program

  • 48 months

    Program Duration

  • In-person

    Program Format

  • Pre-Test Required


Relevant Links

Program Info

The Department of Teacher Education is part of the College of Charleston’s School of Education, Health, and Human Performance. The department provides a strong nationally accredited program that prepares you to meet the educational needs of children and youth in the areas of early childhood, elementary, foreign language, middle level, secondary, and special education.

The curriculum involves coursework on campus as well as field experiences in diverse school settings.

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Application Fee & Annual Tuition

  • $12,518

    In State Tuition

  • $33,978

    Out of State Tuition

  • $60

    Application Fee

Ways to Lower Your Costs

Students at College of Charleston have reduced the cost of their program using these methods. Check with College of Charleston to see if you can, too!




College of Charleston has multiple scholarships throughout the teacher education program, including scholarships to support you during student teaching. Learn more.


Loan Forgiveness

You can apply for state and federal teacher loans, and you may qualify for free student loan repayment and forgiveness options prior to graduation.

Work Study

You have opportunities to engage in work study across campus.

South Carolina Teaching Fellows

Administered by the Center for Educator Recruitment, Retention and Advancement (CERRA), the Teaching Fellows Program provides a $24,000 scholarship/loan for a selected number of outstanding high school seniors, who wish to pursue a degree in education and a career in South Carolina’s public schools. The scholarship is divided among four years and provides $5,700 toward a student’s tuition and $300 for summer enrichment programs each year.  A Fellow is required to teach in a South Carolina public school for one year for each year in which s/he receives the scholarship. Learn more.


The mission of the Call Me MISTER (acronym for Mentors Instructing Students Toward Effective Role Models) program is to increase the pool of available teachers from a broader more diverse background - particularly among the State's lowest-performing elementary schools. Student participants are largely selected from under-served, socio-economically disadvantaged, and educationally at-risk communities.

A teacher recruitment program designed to address the critical shortage of African American male teachers, the Call Me MISTER program seeks to support participants through the following: 

  • Tuition assistance for admitted students pursuing approved programs of study,
  • An academic support system to help assure their success,
  • A cohort system for social and cultural support, and 
  • Job placement support.

Learn more.

For more information visit:Financial Aid Office


Biology (Grades 9-12)
Chemistry (Grades 9-12)
Early Childhood (PK-Grade 3)
Elementary Education (Grades 2-6)
English (Grades 9-12)
French (PK-Grade 12)
German (PK-Grade 12)
Latin (PK-Grade 12)
Mathematics (Grades 9-12)
Middle Level Language Arts (Grades 5-8)
Middle Level Math (Grades 5-8)
Middle Level Science (Grades 5-8)
Middle Level Social Studies (Grades 5-8)
Physics (Grades 9-12)
Social Studies (Grades 9-12)
Spanish (PK-Grade 12)
Special Education (Multi-Categorical) (PK-Grade 12)

Program Overview

Program Hallmarks


  • Male

  • Female



  • American Indian or Alaskan Native

  • Asian

  • Black

  • Hispanic/Latino

  • Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander

  • White

  • Two or more races








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Own the application process. Start a checklist to put yourself on track to becoming the best teacher you can be.