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  1. Overview
  2. Eligibility

South Carolina Student Loan



The South Carolina Teacher Loan Program assists South Carolina residents entering the teaching profession. South Carolina Student Loan provides loans up to $15,000 a year for qualified future teachers. If you commit to teaching in a critical need subject area, geographic area or both, you can get up to one-third or $3,000-$5,000 of your loan forgiven. A “forgivable loan” means you need to teach for a certain amount of time, and you won’t have to pay back your loan. You can learn more about forgivable loan opportunities in the loan forgiveness section of this page!

What are the critical geographical areas?
Critical geographical areas vary in each district and every year. Please visit https://scstudentloan.org/current-borrowers/teacher-forgiveness/critical-geographic-schools for more information.

What are the Critical Subject Areas?
Critical subject areas are designated annually. However, to be eligible to cancel a debt for teaching in a critical subject the recipient must be teaching a subject designated as critical at the time the recipient began borrowing through the Teachers Loan Program. A list of critical subject areas can be found at https://scstudentloan.org/current-borrowers/teacher-forgiveness/critical-subject-areas.

Please contact South Carolina Student Loan services for information on these loan programs, applications, and loan forgiveness.


Eligible Programs


Require Major


Teaching Commitment

Number of Years


School Type
