Palmetto Fellows and LIFE Scholarship Enhancement
South Carolina has added an additional $7,500 incentive for future teachers. If you’re eligible, you can receive up to $2,500 per year for three years (in addition to current Palmettos Fellowship or LIFE Scholarship awards).
To be eligible for the enhancement, you must:
- Be an existing recipient of the Palmettos Fellowship or LIFE Scholarship
- Declare a major in an approved education program
- Sign a contractual agreement to work one year in a South Carolina public school for each year you receive the enhancement.
Purpose of Funds
Bachelor's & Certification
Eligible Programs
Any future teacher enrolled in an approved education program at a South Carolina institution.
Eligible Locations
South Carolina
Require Major
Any future educator pursuing initial certification in South Carolina
- If you accept an education enhancement, you must repay the funds either with your time (service agreement) or money (enhancement funding becomes a loan).
Teaching Commitment
Number of Years
School Type